Prussian Napoleonic Line Infantry and Volunteer Jagers 1813-15 (Perry)

Prussian Napoleonic Line Infantry and Volunteer Jagers 1813-15 (Perry)

£25.00  £22.50

Availability: 2 in stock




The set comprises 40 Line Musketeers/Grenadiers plus a detachment of 6 Volunteer Jaegers which were often attached to regiments. The 40 infantry will give you a full strength battalion at 20:1. They are in the traditional march attack pose for the Line infantry and, as they’re advancing at speed, the Jaegers are ‘at trail’, firearms in one hand and their Hirschlangers in the other.

There are enough heads with covered shakos for all the figures in the box. In addition there are heads with the Line Feldmutze and peaked Schirmutze for the Jaegers as some units had them. Likewise the Jaeger belly pouch is separate as some Volunteer Jaeger units had them. Most figures are in 3 pieces so you’ll get head, equipment (knapsack, haversack, cartridge box, short sword and half the greatcoat are in one piece) and body to put together.

The command frame comprises of one officer, one standard bearer, one drummer and an NCO.

Figures are supplied unpainted and require some assembly. Product weight 300g. See Customer Service page for details of postage charges.