Standard and premium grass mats are perfect for creating display pieces, dioramas or terrain. They include various textures, colourations, lengths, plus foliage and/or stones (premium mats) so that, by adhering them to a moderately contoured surface, beautiful and natural effects are easily created. The mats are backed with a synthetic foam material.
Instructions for use of Model-Scene Foliage:
1. Base for gluing Foliage must be dust and grease free. For the base you may use anything, but we recommend painting the base the same color as the Foliage.
2. Foliage prepared to desired shape (cutting or tear apart) must be lightly wetted by water underneath. It is best to use a sprayer etc.Wait about a minute to soften the Foliage.
3. We recommend any glue used for woodwork. Glue has to be spread evenly with a brush on the base, so it won't make puddles. 4. Wetted Foliage is put on the base that has been covered with the glue and with fingers gently push foliage to cover the base so it will take the shape. Then let it dry.