Noor Inayat Khan (SOE Agent) - Bad Squiddo Games

Noor Inayat Khan (SOE Agent) - Bad Squiddo Games


Availability: 5 in stock

SKU: HF020



Noor Inayat Khan became the first female wireless operator to be sent from Britain into occupied France to aid the French Resistance, and was recognised as Britain's first Muslim war heroine. She is shown here in French civilian clothing carrying a nondescript briefcase which in fact contains wireless broadcasting equipment.

The pack consists of 1 miniature, cast in high quality pewter, single piece, 28mm scale and fit great with all popular WW2 ranges.

These miniatures work perfectly in both historical settings but also pulp scenarios such as Operation Sea Lion.

Sculpted by Alan Marsh

Shown painted by John Morris/Mystic Spirals