Anne Bonny: Collector's Edition (Bad Squiddo)

Anne Bonny: Collector's Edition (Bad Squiddo)


Availability: 4 in stock




Anne is very much written as the “bad girl” of the tale, in contrast to Mary’s “good girl” image of being dragged into the situation, which may have been exaggerated for a good story, but we all love a good story!

Once it was discovered that she was indeed the daughter of the maid and not just an apprentice boy to her father, they fled to Carolina, where Anne met James Bonny. A sailor, James possibly fitted her vision of wild adventure and they eloped to New Providence, the Pirate Capital, to seek employment.

The marriage probably being a bit of a let down, Anne got a bit bored of ol’ Snitching Bonny (he’d taken up work aiding the capture of pirates), met this incredibly colourful and exciting pirate called…wait for it… Calico Jack, and ran off with him! “Oh who is this new crewmate, Mark Read? I feel we have some sort of connection, but what could it be?”

The pack consists of one single piece miniature, cast in high quality pewter. 28mm scale, supplied unpainted.

Sculpted by Alan Marsh, shown painted by John Morris