Originally raised as a militia force in1823, the Texas Rangers were given official status in 1836 during the Texas Revolution. These are some of the very prettiest miniatures we have produced for Dead Man’s Hand. Let’s take a look at what they do.

They are a standard mix of profiles but are the most heavily armed of any DMH faction. Up to three of the 2 Rep Rangers may wield repeater, pistol & knife giving them quite some flexibility. The leader and gunfighter level characters have pistol and knife. Even the lowly Volunteers get pistol and knife, or repeater.

With their modest bonuses for horseback shooting and independence for nerve test bonuses (they always count as having a friendly within range for the bonus), each Ranger can be very tough.

The faction cards are aggressive. The Jack – Tracker – is a bonus move playable at any time. The Queen – Fierce Reputation – is a kill card; play this when you score Under Fire & Nerve Test and watch your opponent cry. The King – Los Diablos Tejanos – is for when you get your knives out and want to get up all close and personal. The Ace – With my dying breath – is a dying shot on steroids.

These are tough guys. Be aggressive. You may order using the link below: