Spirit Walkers channel the very spirits of the Earth, opening their minds to coupling with the most vengeful of entities from another plane of existence. Their Chief is their war leader, but the Witch is the heart of this faction.

The photo above hints at the eclectic weapon mix. Spirit Blessed are skilled warriors armed traditionally; Spirit Seekers are armed with just about anything they please; and Braves are simple fodder with pistols. The Joinings - the fellows with the teeth - are the possessed form of the Spirit Blessed and Spirit Seeker characters. Joinings are only armed with claw and tooth.

Their main ability - Between two worlds - allows one Spirit Walker a turn to flit partially into the spirit world, confusing shooters and avoiding close fighting. Once per game the host may Spirit talk, recovering a card from their discard pile.

Each of their faction playing cards has the function to to transform a Spirit Blessed/Seeker into a Joining or to use its main effect. The Jack - Strength of the Bear - is a massive HtH boost; the Queen - Speed of the Puma - is a vehicle for getting a Joining into HtH; the King - The Spirits are with you - is one of those rare DMH reroll cards; and the Ace - The Long Eye - is the power to swap two cards from the hand with the Initiative cards on the table.

The Chief of the Spirit Walkers is one of the most stunning characters we've done, and the Joinings are massive and so beastly! A very fun faction to paint.