500-1526 CE. This list covers from before the ascendancy of elephants as the main fighting arm as institutedby King Anawrahta, through the Mongol Conquest of the region, and up to King Tabinshwetiof Toungoo’s campaigns of reunification. Uploaded March 18th, 2013.

Burgundian Ordonnance
1471-1477 CE. This army list covers Burgundian armies from the reforms of Charles the Bold. Uploaded 9th May, 2012.

Early Samurai
c.1000-1330 CE. This army list covers the later Heian period, through the Genpei War of the late 12th century,and up until and after the attempted Mongol invasions.
Fatimid Egyptian
969-1171 CE. This army list covers the Fatimid Empire from the invasion of Egypt to the eventual takeover by the Ayyubids, and then Shirkuh’s nephew, Saladin.
French Ordonnance
1445-1492 CE. This army list covers French armies from the reforms of Charles VII. Uploaded 11th May, 2012.

Habsburgian Burgundy and Flanders
1477-92 CE. This army fought against the French Ordonnance army at the Battle of Guinegatte (7th August 1479) and in several sieges and skirmishes until peace was signed in December 1482. Uploaded Sept 3rd, 2012,

1419-71 CE. This list covers the Hussite Wars from the start of the revolution of Jan Zizka until the Battle of Lipany in 1434 and reconciliation with the Catholic Church, and the series of crusades declared against the Hus from 1464-71. Uploaded Sept 3rd, 2012,

HYW English
c.1296-1455 CE. This army list covers English armies on the continent and in Britain, notably during the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) and the Scottish Wars of Independence (1296-1357). Updated March 22nd, 2013.

HYW French
c.1330-1445 CE. This army list covers Medieval French armies during the Hundred Years’ War until the 1445 the reforms of Charles VII. Updated March 22nd, 2013.

Later Rus
c.1200-1250 CE. This army list encompasses armies during the decline of the Rus and its reduction to vassal status at the hands of the Golden Horde.
Later Samurai
c.1300-1580 CE. This army list covers the post-Mongol period to the introduction of firearms. Updated September 10th, 2012.

Later Valois Burgundian
1419-1471 CE. This army lists represents the armies of the Valois Dukes of Burgundy until the military reforms of Charles the Bold in 1471. Uploaded 13th September, 2012.

Medieval Hungarian
1245-1526 CE. This army list deals with Hungarian armies from after the Mongol invasion of 1241 to the defeat at the hands of the Ottomans at Mohács. Update Sept 3rd, 2012.

Later Medieval Breton
1425-1491 CE. This army list covers Breton armies from the creation of parish militias to the end of the War of Independence. Uploaded July 8th, 2012.

1330-1504 CE. This army list covers Wallachian armies from the independence until the death of Vlad III in1476, and Moldavian armies until the death of Stefan the Great in 1504.
Mongol Conquest
1206-1279 CE. This army list deals with the Mongol conquest until their empire split into 4 differing Khanates.
Mongol Il-Khan
1240-1335 CE. This list covers the founding of the Il-Khanate in the 13th century in Persia to the death of the last Il-Khan, Abu Sa’id Bahadur (1316–1335).
Saladin Ayyubid
1174-1193 CE. This army list encompasses the Ayyubid armies of Saladin from 1174 to his death in 1193.
Teutonic Order
1199-1283 CE. This covers armies of the Teutonic Order from its founding during the Third Crusade.
Third Crusaders
1189-1192 CE. This army list encompasses contingents from across Europe and the Latin East that participated in the Third Crusade.
1370-1405 CE. This covers armies of Timur, one of the greatest conquerors the world has ever known, who ruled an empire that was said to be greater than the territory of Genghis Khan.
War of the Roses
1455-1487 CE . This army list covers the forces of the House of Lancaster and the House of York in the Wars of the Roses. Uploaded July 8th, 2012.

War Wagons
Uploaded September 3rd, 2012.
